Musquodoboit Rural High

June 17th, 2021

SENIOR BOYS SOCCER-Any members of the Sr. Boys Soccer team are reminded to hand in their jerseys to Ms. Probert. Graduating players must do so when submitting Grad fees in order to receive their Grad packs.

UPDATED JUNE 11TH TO 4 GUESTS, PLEASE NOTE CHANGE-MRHS GRADUATION 2021-Graduation will take place Tuesday, June 29th alphabetically by appointment at MRHS. Grad Fees are $40 per student and each Grad is permitted 4 guests. Please be aware that this information is subject to change at a moment’s notice due to COVID19 protocols.

OVERDUE FORMS-Students are reminded to please be sure that all of your forms have been submitted to the main office for this school year. These forms were due by the end of September but we still have a number that have not been turned in. Please check your backpacks for completed Registration, Student Handbooks & Media Release Forms. If you are unsure if they have been submitted or need replacement copies please do not hesitate to check in at the main office and we would be happy to assist you.

REPORTING AND EXCUSING STUDENT ABSENCES-If a parent or guardian wishes to report and/or excuse a student absence, please call the attendance line – available 24 hours a day – by dialing the main school telephone number and pressing “1.” Written notes will also be accepted at the main office. In order for an absence to be excused, we must receive notice within three school days of the absence. Emails and calls to the main office line will not be accepted.